A message from Bradley's attorney David Coombs.
Supporters held a vigil in solidarity with Bradley Manning's June 6-8th motion hearing. Nathan Fuller reports back from the court room, and PFC Bradley Manning's attorney, David Coombs, sends a message of gratitude to supporters, thanking them for all the help and support Bradley has received. You can help Bradley in several ways: donate to his defense fund, send a solidarity photo, or attend his next appearance in Ft. Meade, on June 25.Over the past two years, thousands of individuals have either donated to the defense fund or given freely of their time to support PFC Bradley Manning. The support provided has come in many forms:
1) Signing petitions (standwithbrad.org);
2) Standing up to say "I am Bradley Manning" (iam.bradleymanning.org);
3) Writing to military/government authorities;
4) Writing letters to the editors of local and national newspapers;
5) Attending marches, rallies, and other public events to raise awareness about Bradley Manning;
6) Using social media to write about the case and the events of every hearing;
7) Contacting government representatives;
8) Sending messages of support to my law office;
9) Donating to the legal defense fund; or
10) Volunteering with the Bradley Manning Support Network and Courage to Resist.
At every court hearing, I am given the opportunity to witness this support first hand. The attendance by supporters during these hearings as been nothing short of inspiring. Although my client is not permitted to engage those in attendance, he aware of your presence and support.
I would like to publicly thank all those who have supported my client over the past two years. I also want to pass on the following message from Brad: "I am very grateful for your support and humbled by your ongoing efforts." Brad also asked me to specifically thank on his behalf the unflinching support of Courage to Resist and the Bradley Manning Support Network.
What happens in this court-martial is of vital importance to all of us. With your continued support, we will ensure that justice is achieved for Brad.
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